Hey <3

Welcome to my Page

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About me:

I am Mutz.
A huge nerd and I have a hoarding/collecting problem. I Study Electronic Music Production, but apart from that, i really like to mess around with vintage electronics, computers and mechanical stuff.
I am interested in everything Techy, from 1960s huge supercomputers that have the calculationpower of a modern calculator to Modern technologies like Raytracing,
but not only that, i can get fascinated by Cars, trains, elevators, space, rockets, satelites, and so much more. I have autism and ADHD, and so have sometimes some difficulties expressing myself or staying focussed.

What? Who? Why?

Why This Page?

I created this page, because i wanted to have an outlet to share my Projects. I have so many things that i want to do, that i am doing and that i have done. I enjoy sharing my progress a lot and always get so exited when people aprichiate what i do. It makes my ADHD be the happyest ADHD on earth.


Many of my projects are very involved and often way above my capabilities. I then slowly work my way to completing it.
(or alternatively get overwhelmed and completely abandon the project, but we dont talk about that. shush~)
ideas, progress and stuff will be regularly posted on the blog, and if stuff gets serious, i do document it in the documentation corner of this page. I also have a place where i archive stuff. i have many weird and rare computers of the was ago age of time, and i would like to preserve this kind of stuff here. I will upload all kinds of stuff i can find and archive it here. Additionally i might sometimes update you guys on my mental health here, because i am still not mentally doing too well

What I do:


Project status, Progress, Random showerthoughts, ideas and Mental health status updates all go there, i try to post regularly and keep interesting stuff there.

To the blog


When i work on my project i want to document my work as good as possible. I think easy to understand documentation is important and in the hopes to make my projects as accessable as possible you will find all the documentation there.

To the Documentation libary


from ROM dumps over scans of circuitboards to scans of manuals. I try to archive as much as i can to preserve it from disappearing. The Internet archive is a good place to start, but here you will find specifically what I have.

To the Archive

Contact me:

Or Write me a Letter to:

Why Analogic?

Its a longer story, but generally Back a long time ago, i wanted to have my own website and i came up with this domain. It should represent a wordplay of combining Analog and Logic. but also the Furry inside me wanted a funny Butt joke, so i made it in a way, that the first 4 letters spell a butt joke... i know i am very majure how did you know?
anyway, if you are interested what i do apart from this page, i can give you all the links to places:


DM me on discord

About me:

I am Mutz, also known as Toby, born in 2003 with a heavy case of Autism called Asperger syndrome. Furthermore i also have ADHD and bipolar disorder. if that sounds like a lot to you, it may be because it is a lot. Living with those kinds of disorders is not easy, but after more than 20years, i started to figure out how to deal with it. My autism gave me the amazing trait, that i can get obsessively interested into a topic and invest a lot of time and effort into learning about it. This lead to me having very strong and specific interests, and ultimately why this page exists. If you, a family member or a friend of you have problems mentally or are having trouble with Asperger, you can shoot me a email. I am no therapist or expert, but i might be able to give some advice from experiance, and i am always willing to help.

also, I am a furry, If you dont know what a furry is. thats fine, you did not miss anything.
if you do know what a furry is and are upset about it now. well i kindly ask you to leave, because a random stranger in the internet wont change my opinion anyway, so save yourself the effort of trying <3
Take care, love you all <3